Sunday 5 July 2015


In thorns and sharps had we lived Green white green turned guns blood bodies And we wake from our deepest sleeps Then powerful words fall off our unconscious lips In prayers for an end to this hurtful rage For a day when our lives will turn a new page Even the journey of the Maggi had an end And the blessings of the arrival had no bend For they arrived when the child of salvation was born They gave their blessing and embarked on their return The blessings till today remains I reminisce on the past six years All I see; remains of the blessing; pains With everyday graced with tears and fears
Let our minds be open to the soon to be born lad And put behind us memories of hurts that’s fast becoming a passing fad For Every time we hark back to the lost years Let’s remember how worthless it is musing over wasted tears A flock once abandoned by its shepherd Left its flock to be preyed on by wolves of cowardice Now has to itself a true shepherd Who fights off all threats, predators, wolves even mice I only wish I can truly say That pain has fixed for itself a death date What’s more, this day marks the end of our tears, 29th May As today marks the day my strive puts food on my plate Then again our fate is fence hanging With hearts beating and thoughts banging For even a soothsayer knows not what awaits at king’s landing Shall we a clairvoyant? Yes or not, in few months we’ll know our stand

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