Tuesday 3 March 2015


Is this the end of the road
How do I unlock with no code
Your countenance was so cold
At the end we broke the fold
We had something good running
The love so sweet so forthcoming
At the end you had me running
For the place we started was calling
Was this how we made the promises
I was to be your Mr and you my Mrs
But we knew not then what to build
As your harshness was too damn crude
All the lies and the fear
And the times I bled out my tear
Love I beseech you
If its loving again I'd rather not do
Please again don't bewitch me
Because without love I guess am a better me



People need to feel the rhythm and bliss in the feeling
People need to know we reflect eachother
Time will pass for sure but memories will gather
We will depart of cause but the time we'll spend is farther
We might be on top though but sometimes we are under
Right now might be worse tomorrow will be better
And when the storm is over, in happiness we will gather
And Again we'll hold hands sister to brother
It's life, binds us together


Love overdose
Love at its funeral
How did I get hypnotized?
I’m angry but I still love you
I’m in pains and I still want you
Pills and potions
Tears like rivers and oceans
Feelings crying at its own death
Love took the hurrying chariot
The hugs, talks and memories
We were like kings and queens
In our dynasty like princes and princesses
How the world watched and envied
Wanting you away from me and me from you
But what we shared stood tall
Stronger than hater’s wishes
Two beauties in unison
Yours and mine
Entangled like ribbons
Sweeter than pine
I get high of this memory
As your actions now cloud my vision
Bitter love sweet hate
You’ve tried but still can’t hate you
How pathetic can it be?
At the feeling that love cannot take you back
When the love we share ceases to exist
That’s the point our existence ceases
But it lives on in the memories
Of our legacy and people who knew of our love
And this continues till the last days of the world
And till the extinction of all realities
Sorry for no condolences
For grief transcends value
Grief is worthless
All I demand is a little of your time
And few words of reassurance
For no matter what its
For you, you know I’d understand
Love at its funeral
Punishment of love could be eternal


So many things happen in our lives
Some pleasant and some unpleasant
Some decisions we are glad we made
Some of them we live to regret
Some we wished we did better
For the good ones the memories reoccur
But the bad ones the memories haunt
Having no regrets is such a pleasant feeling
But then the past tells about the present
The present, the future’s soothsayer
Man then should caution
As to what memories he wishes for his past
And the fulfillment he wants for himself and his mind
Memories and conscience
Deal more blows on the mind
Than that of Tyson and Alli combined
Caution on your actions and decisions
Make choices only after double checking
Smell not what you won’t eat
Start not what you can’t finish
Bite not what we can’t chew
Break no heart and breach no trust
Keep in confidence what should
Retain in your heart whom you should
And love with sincerity and truthfulness
For these tells just what human we are
And also those memories we nurse or embrace


September 9

The day smiles and laughs desert me
September 9
The day lots of Tears cloud my eyes
For the demise of a father
Whom with such love could give me his eyes
Its just a pity
How life plays its game
Not to Favour the good and the witty
He taught me that goals are achieved by perseverance
If life were really good no good man would die
But I guess heaven is just better
That good people decide to leave
And the bad enjoy the best of this world
So they live long as the best they can have is this world
He taught me about life being a race we just run
And one day the umpire pulls the plug and the race ends
He taught me the tenets of Islam
And the essence of holding the family ties
8 Years Flew Away And Still Feels Just Like Yesterday
There Can't Be A Better Role Model
May Allah Forgive Your Shortcomings
Rest On Dad.
What a loving father



I know it hurts but please be well
Take from your heart the thorn that hurts
Fill in the space with laughter and fun
Show to your heart you can do without pain
Show to yourself you are good without flame
Just relax your nerves
Be in peace with your mind
The beauty you possess is sweeter from within
Pretty heart shielded by a beautiful body
Radiant and firm pretty to a spot
Black is my queen beautiful to a fault
Feel not the pains that fills a sorrowful heart
Fill in the fragrance that sweeten a colourful heart
Now close your eyes to the world
Before you open it will all be just fine
Your black is pretty pretty is not sorrowful
Your being is the beauty that lives in the immortal hibiscus
Now open your eyes
Stand to your feet and raise your head high
Can You see how colourful life is?
It means all is now fine



I met someone today
He was in court to start his case
Something was boldly shown on his face
Don't know if its the guilt or the price he'd pay
Or the fear of the presence of the black garment
I knew in his mind he wished to lament
But he was so scared his hands were shaky
He looked so down and wept like a baby
I felt for him and in my mind he could be freed, maybe!
Was sure when he did the act he knew not the risk he was taking
It got to his time and was shown to the dock
The magistrate gazed and I saw her shake her head
Why should such good looks ever find this ugly dock
But then crime knows no class, tail or head
He was read his charges and told to make his plea
He knew not what to say confused on what his fate would be
He shivered in panic
Dormant like the lagos traffic
He busted into tears as all eyes was on him
I felt bad so much I couldn't look at him
He was caught alongside some robbers
Who had stolen bread, money and some others
His Honour was forced to ask his age
He was only sixteen, this opened a new page
Himself and the others were purely underaged
Stealing necessaries was the reason they were caged
They had no one not even a lawyer
They pleaded for mercy as they did it out of hunger
The court room was full of sympathy
His honours was obviously downcast as she was full of pity
The case was struck out as the trial was defective
They are underaged and should not be tried in open court
Would have had this fate had the system been effective?
But the country we live won't but leave you with a shrouded thought


She died long ago
She'd lost her soul before birth
Born of a mother who lays for money without much ado
Everyday on the streets advertise her own death
Her mother died of AIDS when she was just seven
From there her life began, so uneven
These she never prayed or bargained for
She was taken in by an uncle who hits are to the floor
He's every day was for drinks and smoke
School? She never got enrolled, he was ever broke
There came this rainy evening
Uncle came in drunk and limping
He told her "have your birth and dress up"
"My night this day you must not mess up"
She was so eager to
Anticipating where uncle would take her to
Too young and innocent
Little did she know her life was about to be bent
She came out dressed, he took her to the room
"Clean up the place" he said, gave her a broom
Soon came in his drink and smoke mate
She was about to be a money bait
She could see him collect from his friend money
And heard him say "go in for your little honey"
She dropped the broom and shook in fears
He defiled her despite her screams and tears


Orun mooru
Heavens so angry
Spitting out hot sputums of anger
Eyes hot and red like molten magma
I fear its anger, I fear its wrath
The strong grip of its fist
About to throw punches of fire
Indeed trouble beckons
Surely the end is near
Who would dare its sight of exasperation
How antipathetic, extremely harsh and acrid
Bristling as it moves nearer with acrimonous steps
Orun mooru, apoplectic
Our actions has indeed got the heavens embittered
Fit to be tied, who then would dare
Foaming and fumming
Orun mooru, hot under the collar!
Smoldering, seathing and sore-headed
Orun mooru, the heavens seeing red
The steam from its breath melts the bones
Non relenting anger full of nails and stones
What shall we do if this dawns on us
Shall we into our shelters hide?
Shall we forr better covers ride?
Heavens help me before you bring your force
Heavens so angered, how do I pray back to it?
Shivering in fear as my skin fall bit by bit
Orun mooru and I fall to my feet
Orun mooru save us off your anger and vengeful spit


Is This Redemption? (ii)
So I saw her again today
Wished she sat by me so we could play
But of course that was just my thought
Her look drives me to my last thinking spot
I'm I singing a Redemption song?
Once again couldn't hold back for long
A short glance else where
And to her an unending glance
Is this again a glance of fear?
Or perhaps a redeeming chance
Who looks this way?
Sweet, cheese with bread
Perhaps an angel if I'd ever see one
Wait, Isn't this one?
The guy who has her knows not what he has
I can only pray she has none
Its enough splendor, this look of hers
Her thoughts takes the front row in my head
If on a third occasion I can't help but look
My mouth must tell to her
Why my eyes stair and what my heart holds
I can't wait for this to unfold
Till when I see her again
This sure must be redemption


Ibi ni tonise oru
Oru ni asebi n sebi
The Period no man walks
Time of the evil doer
Evil is the funtion of the nightwalker
Dead of the night is the time for evil

Destinies called astray
Lifes called off its host
And when the night is not enough
They take to the light of the day
Innocents run from pillar to pole
Between the dangling iro and buba
Eni ori yo o dile
Sand in the air like its a whirlwind
Trees rustling like its the august wind
Children screaming and whaling in fear
From the fear of the fierce faced
Mothers cuddling their pikins
Father shotting the doors and calling on the kins
Saying in the most silent of voices
"Afi ki eledumare gbawa lowo eni buruku"
"Osan ti doru"
"Okete ti tosi gbegi, ki kaluku mu awo e lowo"
Its night in day light


Is This Redemption?
All day I've been steering at her
Can hardly take my eyes off her
The sight of her gives me such pleasure
Such pleasure so sweet I don't understand
It just comes asking me to look more
Is this happening again?
Is this another trap?
Or the bliss I have always asked?
She has this cute look
Pretty in a mild way not flashy
Subtle, so gentle
The beauty I can describe my world with
For now I know not what I want
For every time I look at her
Something inscribe on her face
"This is me! The one you've always wanted"
Is this truly her?
Or a trap clearing the way for tears again
I only wish I could judge based on your mild looks
I wish this that I see is enough
To assure my heart that its you and no one else
To tell to my mind that you're for no pains
If its you that's the key to my hearts redemption
Then am glad
But if your look is only a trap like once before
I hope am able to hold back my emotions this time
It's a beautiful morning good people...



(This poem comes with lots of memories)
Her blue eyes reminds me of when last I saw her
Her smile her trouble her glasses and laughter
His body smells like air.
The air I breathe the air I seek.
Together we sit on the lawn
As She hides her skin from the sun
Placing her head on my shoulder
Makes me wish I could
Have that power of breath of life
His cold shoulder gives me warmth.
I see my reflection in his pale brown eyes.
Eyes filled with love for me.
Oh am I lucky or what
Crazy the way the world is made
Too much beauty to be just a sister
And when I take a glance I only think deeper
For her bliss opens in me a page
A page that gives love
Too much care and too much love
Our first chapter starts with bickering
Our last chapter ends with intense love
A tornado like love
A love of immense satisfaction
A satisfaction that exceeds reality
Alas! Even our shadows embrace while we walk
And the breeze dancing at the unison of two true feelings
When hearts meet, a new world is born
A world free of fear, full of peace and tranquility
I'm lost for words 'cause his beauty surpasses human imagination
He is the ultimate utopian dream and he is mine
The world bows at our feet in awe of our love
And to my eyes at its first sight of you
Blinking and thinking "could this be true?"
Lost in the thoughts of beautiful innocence
And till now in my heart stays your ever welcomed presence


Dust In The Lungs

It chokes as its breath is sharp
And the world that I live chokes even harder
I place it on my lap and look forth to see hope come
The harder I look I see only harsh weather
Just storms and storms approaching with great fury
There used to be a time when life was great
And hopes for better days was worth waiting for
Running or crawling the tunnel's end light beckons faster
Working then needn't be hard as life was easy and little work suffices
Now these only seem to be a tale
Told to us when our eyes refuse to close
Reminding us that our world is in its state of decay
And its inhabitants live in total dismay
That breath that once soothes the lungs
Now deams our sights with dust of hopelessness
Injures our throats when a big gulp of hope is taken
And blocks our hearts from cheerful optimism
Life; greedy glutton
Hope; fool's paradise
Still everyday we try hard to smile and laugh
And when we do
We laugh at the death of our sanguine expectations
Pipe dreams of the promised land
Exchanged with despair and disbelief
But someday we'll hear the sound of the rosiness gongs
And the sweet melodies from the sounding drums of reverie
And we shall dance and dance
And once again inhale the sweet breath that runs with good-life



Should my confession sound bizzare
And the hearing so uncut and raw to thune ear
I beseech the as i mean not defy thy holiness
I only holdeth it no more
Dear thee, please bear with me the stress

My thoughts and mission to thy hionourable self
Was to dance to thy gallery and explore it with zest
For the coolness of thy face
Filleth my heart with wants
And that firmness of thy bidy
Waters my mouth with lust
Hath thou not been healthy in thy morals
My boots marcheth forth in thy dynasty
Takes it full charge as i traverse its walls and corners
Alas! that quaint honour of thee
Ambushed my thoughts and left my mouth ajar
For thy humanity carries a level of purity
That ashames that loin of mine and what in it dangles
Scrotal paralysis, thou hath derailed its usefulness
Milady, cutes as puffin
Moralled my thoughts
Cleansed my raws to chastity
And thy decent
Washeth my mind black and white like a pug
Has thee hath brought my thoughts to post-pubescence
My loin-cloth are fast tight and virility sedated
And that mystique of mine now subtle to cuddle thy vibe

So milady do pardon my naivity
I only from my teenhood had been a sexual pugilist
Has my forenoon thoughts of you lacks good taste like a kitsch
Now i've found thy being as my abode and laundreth
Embrace me on this road to chastity i've beckoned
As i've taken a worthy note that all that matters isnt what the loins conceals