Tuesday 3 March 2015


Is This Redemption? (ii)
So I saw her again today
Wished she sat by me so we could play
But of course that was just my thought
Her look drives me to my last thinking spot
I'm I singing a Redemption song?
Once again couldn't hold back for long
A short glance else where
And to her an unending glance
Is this again a glance of fear?
Or perhaps a redeeming chance
Who looks this way?
Sweet, cheese with bread
Perhaps an angel if I'd ever see one
Wait, Isn't this one?
The guy who has her knows not what he has
I can only pray she has none
Its enough splendor, this look of hers
Her thoughts takes the front row in my head
If on a third occasion I can't help but look
My mouth must tell to her
Why my eyes stair and what my heart holds
I can't wait for this to unfold
Till when I see her again
This sure must be redemption

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